CRS-7 / Spx-7

Using VNC Through SSH Tunnels

Server Setup On Microsoft Windows

These instructions assume using vnc_4_1_1_x86_win32.exe to install VNC and setupssh.exe to install OpenSSH Server on Windows.

  1. Destroy any firewalls(not recommended), or allow access for ports 22 to internet and 5900 to local.
  2. Make sure your Windows User account has a non-blank password.
  3. Perform a standard VNC install using vnc_4_1_1_x86_win32.exe, then complete the following.
    1. Go to the VNC server configuration form.
    2. In "Authentication" tab, press the "Configure" button, then enter <VNC-user-password> for the password, substituting your desired password for <VNC-user-password>.
    3. In "Connections" tab, make sure "Only accept connections from the local machine" has a checkmark (for yes).
  4. Perform a default OpenSSH server install using setupssh.exe, then complete the following.
    1. In a command window, go to bin directory in installation directory(e.g., c:\Program Files\OpenSSH\bin").
    2. In the same command window, run: mkgroup -l >> ..\etc\group
      mkpasswd -l >> ..\etc\passwd
      net start opensshd

Connect From Microsoft Windows With PuTTY

  1. If not already done, then destroy all firewalls(not recommended) or allow access for port 5901 to local.
  2. If not already done, then download and perform a default install of a free VNC client, eg. vnc_4_1_1_x86_win32_viewer.exe.
  3. If not already done, then download and perform a default install of PuTTY.
  4. Start PuTTY.
  5. Go to "Sessions" section, if not already there.
    1. If a "Saved Session" is already setup correctly for the computer to connect to, then select the session and click "Load". Otherwise complete (B) below.
    2. Create and save a new session as follows:
      1. Fill in "Host Name", "Port", "Protocol", and "Saved Sessions" controls as in picture below:
      2. Click "Save".
      3. Go to "Tunnels" category, sub-category of "SSH", sub-category of "Connection". (second from bottom in tree on left side)
      4. Enter in the info as shown below:
      5. Click "Add" and the result will look like below:
      6. Go back to "Sessions" Category and click "Save" again.
  6. Click "Open" and when prompted enter <server-user-name>.
  7. Enter <server-user-password>, as set on the computer connecting to.
  8. From the Microsoft Windows start menu, go to "Programs > RealVNC > VNC Viewer 4 > Run VNC Viewer ".
  9. In the VNC combobox input the following and press <enter>:
  10. When prompted entered the <VNC-user-password>, as set when setting up VNC on the server.
  11. Do what you want, eg. your work.
  12. Close the VNC window
  13. In the terminal (command line) window, type "exit" and press <enter>, then close the window.
*<server-user-name> may require double quotes if it includes special characters like <space>. eg. "server-user-name"

Connect From Linux

These instruction assume vncviewer and ssh clients are already installed.

  1. Execute the following command in a terminal window: ssh -p22 -L 5901: <server-user-name>@<>
  2. Enter your <server-user-password> when prompted.
  3. Execute the following command in a terminal window: vncviewer
  4. When prompted by vncviewer to input a host to connect to, enter "localhost:1" to be routed through the VNC-ssh tunnel set up earlier.
  5. When prompted entered the <VNC-user-password>, as set when setting up VNC on the server.
  6. Do what you want, eg. your work.
  7. Close the VNC window
  8. In the terminal (command line) window, type "exit" and press <enter>, then close the window.
*<server-user-name> may require double quotes if it includes special characters like <space>. eg. "server-user-name"

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